Meredith Evans
Mr. O'Meara and Mr. Keller
Mr. Keller is our new assistant principal here at Pacific Grove High School. In hopes of learning more about his plans for this school year and what he wants to have an impact on at the school, the NewsBreaker staff got in touch with him for an interview.
Culture: Regarding the type of culture Mr. Keller hopes to foster here at the high school, he said he wants to make sure everyone is included, respected, and welcome, regardless of any differences. He also highlighted how he wants everyone to challenge themselves, strive for excellence, and adapt to the changes we face from day to day.
Changes: When asked about any changes or improvements to the schools that he wants to work on or help adjust, he mentioned two primary things, one about our curriculum and one regarding our campus. Firstly, the classes we offer that work to prepare students for both college and primarily jobs, should be redesigned in his eyes. Both students and future job changes, predictions, and adjustments should guide how we design aspects of the school’s curriculum. The second group of ideas was more focused on parts of our campus. He strongly believes that the PG Skate Park should be located on our campus. These debates have been a point of contention in the community in the past years and it should be interesting to see if the idea comes to fruition. He also mentioned a possible playground or recreational area on the campus.
Administrative differences: Prior to working here at the high school, Mr. Keller was the principal at Robert Down Elementary. When asked if there are any differences between the roles or customs at the different schools, he stated that there were not many stark contrasts, quoting the American author Robert Fulghum on the importance of kindergarten. Students in and of themselves are students regardless of their age, so leading a classroom or being a principal at different age levels has minor differences, but is very similar in essence.
Community: Mr. Keller’s main desire for the school regarding the community was for there to be more spirit. He mentioned how being an activities director helped him to grow his passion for school spirit and pride. He encouraged everyone to work towards finding their passions here at PGHS, encouraging the joining of clubs and the support for all student endeavors. If every student can engage in an activity here at the school, there will be more cohesion, support, and pride in the school’s community.
Messages/Closing thoughts: To conclude the interview, Mr. Keller was asked if there were any questions or messages for the student body that he wanted to share. He had one primary and important message to spread: try your best and don’t always expect perfection. No one else expects you to be perfect, so cut yourself some slack, and get back on the horse if you fail. He also told everyone to have fun while you are a kid, don’t try to be a grown up before your time, take reasonable risks, and be yourself.
This interview hopefully provided a better understanding and insight into Mr. Keller’s hopes for the school, and inspired students to try new things.