Like every other student at this school, I’ve never experienced a VAPA week, and had no idea how big an event it is expected to be until I started asking around about what the Art class will do. I was lucky enough to sit down with 2D and 3D art teacher Mr. Kelly and hear his plans.
The entire campus will be transformed for VAPA week, with the Art classes at the helm of redecorating. Some of these changes will be temporary; one group of students will do yarn art on the fences around our school, and another will put up paintings in Main Hall. Others will be more permanent; the ceramics students are preparing tiles for a sixties-inspired mural.
While the art students will do the bottom half of the mural, once VAPA week kicks off the rest of us will be invited to grab a tile, paint it, and stick it to the mural’s top half. The mural isn’t the only hands-on public activity prepared for us, either. The art classes are currently designing T-Shirts. They will vote on the top ten designs, which we will all be able to screen-print in Main Hall and take home, with the help of the artists who designed them.
When students see these activities or participate in them, we will be able to mark them off on a VAPA Week bingo card, prepared by the teachers of multiple arts classes, and enter the completed bingo cards into a raffle. Look out for these activities, and more from different arts organizations April 1 – 3.