Coming to the PGHS course catalog this year is the newest VAPA (Visual/Performing Art): Concert Choir. Doctor Warren teaches and conducts the group, with plenty of choral experience under his belt. The course will focus on the development of the singers and strive to help everyone improve their singing in order to present moving pieces of music. Concert Choir has no prerequisite or experience needed, anyone who has interest in singing or music should sign up for the class.
The class will have a vast repertoire, with songs in many different languages. Dr. Warren believes that other cultures, languages, and pronunciations bring depth to performance and learning. Additionally, the choir will get to perform with the orchestra as accompaniment to present a wider variety of pieces. Acapella (only vocal) pieces will be another important aspect of the class, as Dr. Warren wants to showcase the harmonies and majestic sounds of the human voice.
Finally, the class fulfills the VAPA requirement for UC and other college admissions. Many students can forget that a performing art is required for many university applications, which makes choir a great way to aid an application and explore something new. It provides a fun, community-based, and fair way to express a love for singing and music. If you want to try singing, make sure to sign up!